Ladies' Quilting

Is on hold for the summer.  We look forward to seeing you in September!

The quilting ministry sends many high-quality quilts to needy people via MCC and The Mustard Seed. Countries like Bosnia, Jordan, North Korea and Ukraine have received thousands of quilts in the last few years.  We at Linden MB are only a small part of the people in the Americas and Europe who contribute to this larger ministry. We like to address local needs as well, and have given comforters to both Calgary and Red Deer Mustard Seed.

Quilt making is a process and we need various talents.  Being able to sew a relatively straight seam is definitely necessary for putting the pieces together. But before that happens we need someone who is somewhat a perfectionist to cut the squares.  Materials are provided. We need someone with an eye for color to arrange the pieces in a pleasing manner and we have a number of other non-sewing opportunities as well, such as preparing tea & coffee for our coffee break.  

A huge THANK YOU to all of you who have worked at home and at church to keep our quilting ministry going. 

Contact Linda for more information.